Thursday, October 15, 2009

Creekside Elementary School | Freelon Group | Architecture

Freelon Group
Creekside Elementary School is located on a 37-acre tract in Southwest Durham County. The school is a new, 82,000 square foot, two-story building and occupies the Northwestern corner of the site. The facility is designed to accommodate pre-K-5 classrooms, art and music classrooms, media center, kitchen and cafeteria, a multi-purpose gymnasium and related administrative and support space.

The construction is a two-story steel frame masonry structure with composite concrete floor slabs, standing seam metal roofs, a metal deck and single ply roof, CMU and brick masonry walls, aluminum storefront doors and windows, and one hydraulic passenger elevator.The building design follows the new programmatic requirements recently published by the Durham Public School System and the Education Specifications and Design Guidelines.

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