Thursday, October 15, 2009

House in Tokio | Dasic Architects | Architcture

The expression of a house that works as a vessel for the residents, their actions, their objects, was the concept for this project. The designer has created a space where architectural details play background and set the stage for the bright accents of the client's art, book and furniture collection. The project is divided into three zones: a private zone, containing the family's individual rooms; an intermediate zone, with a Japanese-style room and atelier and a third, shared utility living zone with kitchen and dining. These simple volumes are defined by glass opaque screens, ceiling-height variations and the interplay of inside-outside space.

The ultimate contemporary town house

The site is located on a hill in a residential area of the Tokyo. The topography allows a commanding view of the city towards the south where one can take a glimpse of the Tokyo Tower. The roof terrace takes maximum advantage of the views that the site provides. The design of this house has been precisely considered and executed: The balance between detail and design has been successfully met and the result is the formation of a building, which works as a concise whole and takes a refreshingly relaxed view of what modern living is all about.

The clients, a family with three children, wanted a house to suit their lifestyles. Their main requirements for the design were to have a distinct separation between private spaces and more public living areas, to be able to entertain guests with ease, and to be naturally well lit. They wanted the combination of a modern house with traditional Japanese architecture, which was suited to modern living. The house is positioned at the south side, leaving ample space for two spacious courtyards at the north side. In this way, a clear zone is created between the house and the 'unknown' buildings planned to be build at the two neighbouring sites. The strict building regulations are given consideration without causing detriment to the project's pure geometric forms.

All the glass openings are strategically positioned as to allow maximum light while leaving impact of the direct sun heat outside. The height of the ceiling, glazing, natural ventilation openings, light control, double insulated walls and roof, ensures that the house was to be built within all the principles of sustainability that could efficiently be incorporated.

Throughout the house, the interior's simple, clean lines and unadorned materials -interior white walls, white-oak floors, white steel columns, stainless steel plate tones- create a restful ambience. The open living spaces offer a range of sunlight openings that create different impressions of space throughout the day. The 3.6m high ceilings strengthen the effect. A balcony, placed between the living and the dining spaces, acts as a 'sunlight pocket' channelling the light deep in to the interior space.

The expression of a house that works as a "vessel", for the residents, their actions, their objects, was the underlying concept of this project.


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