Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kodomo no Shiro | Chiba Manabu | Architecture

Japanese Architectural Firm Chiba Manabu Architects
Juvenille welfare institution (kodomo no shiro) located in Nagasaki.
The three storey building is made from reinforced concrete and steel.

Project name: Children’s site (kodomo no shiro)
Period of construction: completed in feburary, 2009
Location: isahaya-city, nagasaki, japan
Program: child welfare facility
Structure: reinforced concrete, steel
Site area: 26,539.67㎡
Building area: 1725.91㎡
Total floor area: 2884.00㎡
Stories: 1 basement and 2 stories
Design: Ikeda architects+Chiba Manabu Architects
Structural engineers: Kanebako structural engineers
Mechanical engineers: Kankyo engineering inc.+Hamatani mechanical and electrical engineers office
Landscape designer: Ikeda design + Urbicul.net, inc.
General contractors: Daishin/Noda jv
*Photographer: Masao Nishikawa

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