Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tobin Winery | Arkhefield | Architecture

Arkhefield The Tobin Winery is located on a North facing gently sloping site on a vineyard in the heart of the Granite Belt. The vineyard merges with remnant scrub that borders a creek while occasional protrusions of the local granite punctuate the landscape. With Sundance Road dissecting the site, the house is located at the top of the site, looking down over the vines, road, and creek to the distant hills.

The form of the house was driven by respecting the aspect, framing the view, and the making of place by casting a strong shadow under the continuous overhang. By folding the roof down at both ends the “shed” is referenced and the notion of shelter is celebrated.

The strength and solidity of the helmet roof is a response to the harshness of the climate and toughness of the landscape. As opposed to touching the earth lightly the solid form grounds itself and creates a sense of stability and resilience.

Services are relegated to the lower black boxes, with the living/sleeping spaces enjoying the soft southern light through the roof skylight that manifests as a lantern and entry marker at night.

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