Thursday, November 19, 2009

Iporanga House | Arthur Casas | Architecture

Arthur Casas Architect’s House in Iporanga.

In the form of two large symmetrical cubes supporting and open space this house was idealized as his dream house. “I always wanted a house in the middle of the forest, in a place where I could recharge the energies”, says Arthur.

Within this context, leftover space to the addendum that most pleases him: interiors in total synergy with the exteriors, seen within a large 11 meters floor to ceiling height, with intermittent glass windows, from one edge of the façade to the other. From walls to floor, the cumaru wood runs from top to bottom.

In the ground floor, the absence of partitions potentially amplifies the integration of the ambient, such as living room that communicates both with the kitchen and with the office. All of it surrounded by a large charming terrace. Very close to it, on a well designed edge, the elevated deckfunctions as a belvedere to observe untouched spaces of the Atlantic Rain Forest.

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