Friday, October 16, 2009

Bookstore of Palazzo delle Esposizioni | Officina Del Disegno Srl | Architecture

Bookstore of Palazzo delle Esposizioni

"The Palazzo delle Esposizioni bookstore is part of a more general renovation project.", says Officina Del Disegno Srl on Bookstore of Palazzo delle Esposizioni.

Architecture-Page  Bookstore of Palazzo delle Esposizioni by Officina Del Disegno Srl

Words from the architect

The Palazzo delle Esposizioni bookstore is part of a more general renovation project. In addition to integrating commercial functions within the museum, the store aims to be one of the most specialised art bookstores in the city.

Architecture-Page  Bookstore of Palazzo delle Esposizioni by Officina Del Disegno Srl

The project is based on the almost sculptural design of the bookshelves and the effect of this "sculpted walls/mass", emphasised by the thickness of the shelves and their vertical supports, is counterbalanced by the total rarefaction of the central spaces.

Architecture-Page  Bookstore of Palazzo delle Esposizioni by Officina Del Disegno Srl

The primary materials are wood and lacquered steel and the single chromatic quality of the white finish reduces the scale of the space, stepping away from the monumental character of the Palazzo's display spaces.

Architecture-Page  Bookstore of Palazzo delle Esposizioni by Officina Del Disegno Srl

Photograph by Alberto Novelli, courtesy of Officina Del Disegno Srl.

The bookshop has two entrances: one directly from the exterior, and one from the interior of the museum, connected with a cafeteria.
In addiction of the bookshelves along the walls, in the central spaces low platforms are used to display books or objects of design.
The space is also characterised by its dropped ceiling, composed of suspended sails and perforated by cuts that allow a view of the vaults above and the penetration of the lighting systems, offering visitors a controlled and concentrated visit.

Text: Officina Del Disegno Srl
Photographs: Alberto Novelli

Project details
Project Name: Bookstore of Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Location of Site: Rome, Italy
Design Team: Officina Del Disegno Srl (Firouz Galdo, Alessandra Gobbo, Andrea Schingo, Carlo Magoni)
Project Type: Renovacion
Client: Azienda Speciale Palaexpo
Site Area: 470 mq
Cost of Construction: 600,000 Date of completion: 2007

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