Friday, October 16, 2009

Wood Box | k_m.architektur | Architecture

Wood Box with view. Designed by k_m.architektur, Wood Box with view stands like a floating wood box between the development way and the steeply dropping site.

Architecture-Page  Wood Box with view by k_m.architektur

Photographs by M. Tretter and A.Schnabel, Courtesy of k_m.architektur.

Architecture-Page  Wood Box with view by k_m.architektur

Photographs by M. Tretter and A.Schnabel, Courtesy of k_m.architektur.

Words from the designer

On the highest hill at the edge of the village Hochbuch near Lindau the house stands like a floating wood box between the development way and the steeply dropping site. From here you can enjoy the wonderful view toward Bregenz and into the mountain country of Vorarlberg/ Austria and Switzerland. The building is organized in different vertical and horizontal spaces, which embody a completely different idea of living in each case: The ground floor with the garden is completely transparent and extroverted.

Architecture-Page  Wood Box with view by k_m.architektur

Photographs by M. Tretter and A.Schnabel, Courtesy of k_m.architektur.

The wood box floating over it allows introverted living in the trees, dissociated from the world. This wood box is divided into 2 further living types. Each of these living typologies leads to a completely different architectural logic, so that these living areas differ in regard to the program, form, construction, material, light etc... The construction of the building is very reduced and at the same time differentiated to a maximum. The ground floor itself is in a generous considered access and input area for various activities, living or working. There is not a clear separation between inside and outside.

Architecture-Page  Wood Box with view by k_m.architektur

Photographs by M. Tretter and A.Schnabel, Courtesy of k_m.architektur.

The construction of that 20 x 11 meters large buildings is reduced to three carrying items, which differ in form, function and placing from each other in each case. Thus the box is situated in the southwest with a very large protection on a concrete handle, while in the southeast and northeast the box rest upon very slim steel columns. The completely closed north west front serves large protection for the reinforcement of the building, transfers at the same time the suspension of the 8 meters in the entrance area. The constructional items do not indicate any symmetry or repetition.

Architecture-Page  Wood Box with view by k_m.architektur

Photographs by M. Tretter and A.Schnabel, Courtesy of k_m.architektur.

By its eccentric asymmetrical shift on the sketch and average the construction works very dynamically. One arrives over the nearly floating steel stairs of the entrance area into the open dwelling in the upper floor. The living room and the dining room with the kitchen is separated optically by the fire-place. That furniture arranges the wood box into the living area and the secondary rooms (sleeping room, bathroom...). The into the wood box integrated terrace extends the dining and kitchen area and lets interior and external area merge another. The high-thermal insulated construction of the entire fronts -, roof and floor elements with an average k-wert of 0,11 leads to an annual heat requirement of 32 kWh/m².

Architecture-Page  Wood Box with view by k_m.architektur

Photographs by M. Tretter and A.Schnabel, Courtesy of k_m.architektur.

Ecological, design and static requests, like in this project can be built with environmental compatible and reusable building materials. The basic construction, front, windows, doors, floor and furniture is in cedar wood. No synthetic wood preservatives and lacquers were used on the wood. The entire lagging of the outer skin of the building consists of 30 cm thermal hemp, which is just like the building material wood a regenerating and reusable raw material.

Architecture-Page  Wood Box with view by k_m.architektur

Photographs by M. Tretter and A.Schnabel, Courtesy of k_m.architektur.

Architecture-Page  Wood Box with view by k_m.architektur

Photographs by M. Tretter and A.Schnabel, Courtesy of k_m.architektur.

Architecture-Page  Wood Box with view by k_m.architektur

Photographs by M. Tretter and A.Schnabel, Courtesy of k_m.architektur.

Project details
Project Name: Wood Box with view
Client: C. Sauter
Project Type: Housing
Design Team: k_m.architektur
Date of commencement of project: 2000
Date of completion of project: 2000
Location of site: Lindau/Germany

Text, Courtesy of k_m.architektur
Photographs by M. Tretter and A.Schnabel, Courtesy of k_m.architektur

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